I totally agree and thank you for your post. I keep telling my Mom that I am greater than this. I deserve to be looked at better and bigger. But Mom tells me that the silly iPhone takes the pictures and then she emails them to the blog. Somewhere along the line, something is happening and we are getting shrunk. It's truly a "Honey, I shrunk the pugs" moment. I'll harass mom to see if she can fix it.
Love your blog, but give me bigger pictures! I want you see your pugs better :)
I totally agree and thank you for your post. I keep telling my Mom that I am greater than this. I deserve to be looked at better and bigger. But Mom tells me that the silly iPhone takes the pictures and then she emails them to the blog. Somewhere along the line, something is happening and we are getting shrunk. It's truly a "Honey, I shrunk the pugs" moment. I'll harass mom to see if she can fix it.
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